Providing Foglight Product Training Courses
Foglight Product Training

Training is provided as two consecutive days (2-day) sessions delivered as 6 hours per day and includes lectures and demonstrations for up to five (5) students. Classes are conducted using the Customer's Foglight environment. The training covers the full set of Foglight for SQL with PI features, dashboards, and workflows as well as advanced features such as Alarm Tuning and Alert Customization.
This course is intended for new and intermediate Administrators and users of Foglight for SQL Database monitoring with PI (Performance Investigator). Attendees will benefit most if they have administrative rights in Foglight, and others can learn about the power inside the tools to give consumers what they require.
This course does not require attendance in any previous Foglight training.
- Attendees must have a dedicated computer to connect to the WebEx session.
- Must have access to their Foglight server and credentials for access.
- Customer should select a dedicated User (or computer) for setup of the WebEx session for browser login to Foglight.
- The Foglight environment should not have any known performance issues.
- A background in SQL is helpful but not necessary.
- A background in monitoring or diagnostic tools is also helpful.
Upon Completion of this training each student will:
- Establish an understanding of Foglight Architecture and Data Model.
- Use workflows to drill into the Database Environment to identify root causes of performance issues.
- Understand how to use PI to gain access to proactive solutions to improve performance.
- Tune monitoring, rules, and alarms to fit the needs of the user’s unique environment.
- Understand how to create basic drag and drop dashboards and reports to provide views specific to the customer’s applications and environment.
- Perform User Administration to create new Users, Groups, and Roles.
Overview and Architecture:
- Foglight Components
- Major Features
- User Interface
- New console vs Classic
- Dashboards
- Navigation
- Databases dashboards:
- Alarms
- Database groups
- Databases - global view
- Quick view
- Advisories
- Instance overview
Databases dashboards:
- Monitor
- Adding a database instance
- Databases administration
- User level access
- Manage SQL PI repositories.
- Manage alarm blackouts.
- Manage agent blackouts.
- Alarm template
- Notification channel
- Administration
Deeper Dive - SQL Performance Investigator:
- Features
- Dashboards
- Advanced analytics
- Change Tracking
- Advisories
- Advanced analytics
- Workflows
- Dimension filtering
- SQL statements
- Analyze plan.
- Plan analysis
- Database users
- Comparison
- SQL statements
- Resource filtering
- Dimension filtering
- User-defined collections / Performance counters (optional)
- Configuring user-defined collections
- Configuring performance counters
- Reports
- Drag and Drop Dashboards
CLICK HERE to see the full Services Order Description Document

This is a 2-day class (6 hours per day) that included lectures and labs for up to five (5) students.
Classes are conducted using the Customer's Foglight environment, and where necessary may use the Quest lab environment.
The class covers the full set of Oracle PI features, dashboards, and workflows as well as advanced features such as User Defined Queries and Custom Dashboards.
This course is intended for new and intermediate administrators and users of Foglight Oracle PI.
- This course does not require attendance in any previous Foglight training.
- Attendees must have a dedicated computer to connect to the WebEx session and Quest training environment, if used.
- For private classes using customer environments, attendees must have access to their Foglight server and credentials for access.
- The Foglight environment should not have any known performance issues.
- A basic understanding of database architecture is useful but not required.
Upon Completion of this training each student will:
- Have a full understanding of Foglight architecture and Data Model.
- Use workflows to drill into every dimension of the database workload to investigate Session, Users, Programs, SQL, Sessions, and more.
- View, Analyze, and track changes to Plans.
- Extend monitoring with User Defined Queries and Performance Counters.
- Tune monitoring, rules, and alarms to fit the needs of the user’s unique environment.
- Identify and process alarms.
- Create ad-hoc and scheduled reports.
- Create custom drag and drop dashboards to provide views specific to the customer’s applications and environment.
- Perform User Administration to create new Users, Groups, and Roles.

This is a 2-day class (6 hours per day) that includes lectures and Demonstrations for up to five (5) attendees.
Classes are conducted using the Customer's Foglight environment.
The class covers the full set of Foglight Evolve features, dashboards, and workflows as well as advanced features such as Alarm Tuning and Alert Customization.
This course is intended for new and intermediate administrators and users of Foglight Evolve.
- This course does not require attendance in any previous Foglight training.
- Attendees must have a dedicated computer to connect to the WebEx session.
- Attendees must have access to their Foglight server, and possess the credentials for access.
- Customer should select a dedicated User (or computer) for setup of the WebEx session for browser login to Foglight
- The Foglight environment should be performing in a trouble free condition with no open Support tickets.
- A background in virtualization and/or a background in monitoring or diagnostic tools (e.g., VMware vCenter) is helpful but not neccessary.
Upon Completion of this training each student will...
- Establish an understanding of Foglight Architecture and Data Model.
- Use workflows to drill into the Virtual Environment to identify root causes of performance issues.
- Understand Optimization, Waste Finding, and Remediation.
- Use Capacity Planning tools to identify pending resource limitations.
- Tune monitoring, rules, and alarms to fit the needs of the user’s unique environment.
- Learn how to create basic drag and drop dashboards and reports to provide views specific to the customer’s applications and environment.
- Become familiar with User Administration to create new Users, Groups, and Roles.
For a full list of details in the form of a Services Order Description, click here!

This is a 1 day class (6-hours in duration) that includes lecture, lab and testing for up to 5 students.
Classes are conducted using the Customer's Foglight environment, and where necessary may use the Quest lab environment.
The class covers general Foglight features and functions including user administration, report management, alarm processing, services, custom dashboards and custom reports.
This course is intended for new and intermediate administrators and users of Foglight.
- This course does not require attendance in any previous Foglight training.
- Attendees must have a dedicated computer to connect to the WebEx session and Quest training environment, if used.
- For private classes using customer environments, attendees must have access to their Foglight server and credentials for access.
- The Foglight environment should not have any known performance issues.
- A background in monitoring or diagnostic tools.
- Upon Completion of this training each student will:
- Have a full understanding of Foglight architecture and Data Model.
- Perform User Administration to create new Users, Groups, and Roles.
- Create and apply schedules for agent and alarm blackouts.
- Create ad-hoc and scheduled reports.
- Create custom drag and drop dashboards to provide views specific to the customer’s applications and environment.
- Tune monitoring, rules, and alarms to fit the needs of the user’s unique environment.
- Identify and process alarms.
- Create services to monitor the availability of a subset of objects such as a group of hosts supporting an application.
Foglight Custom Training
This is a 1 day class (6-hours in duration) that includes lecture, lab and testing for up to 5 students.
The class is conducted in the customer’s own Foglight environment using the pre-existing Foglight Management Servers, and focuses on the advanced techniques for creating dashboards in Foglight and leveraging Web Component Framework (WCF).
This course is intended for administrators and users of the Foglight Server.
- This course requires previous attendance in Foglight Administration training or substantial experience as a Foglight Administrator or Operator.
- The attendees must have an active working Foglight environment with adequate licensing and no known performance degrading issues.
- Attendees must have a dedicated computer to connect to the Foglight environment using WebEx, and in the event there are more than two attendees there will need to be a dedicated training space with an overhead projector connected to the WebEx connected computer, with adequate seating in the room.
- Attendees will need to have a computer to work from and credentials with which to access both the network and the Foglight console.
- There must be an available environment to create dummy hosts for labs and testing.
Upon Completion of this training each student should be able fully utilize the following:
- Data Model
- Creating Dashboards
- Charts
- Gauges
- Lists
- Tables
- Creating Reports
- Creating Parameterized Reports
- Creating Fixed Layout Dashboards
This is a 4 day course (6-hour per day) that includes lecture, lab and testing for up to 5 students.
The class is conducted in the customer’s own Foglight environment using the pre-existing FMS servers, and focuses on the advanced techniques for creating dashboards in Foglight and leveraging Web Component Framework (WCF).
This course is intended for administrators and users of the Foglight Serve who have some basic scripting or programming experience.
- This course is intended individuals who have attended the WCF Drag and Drop Training.
- The attendees must have a known good working Foglight environment with adequate licensing and no known performance degrading issues.
- Attendees must have a dedicated computer to connect to the Foglight environment using WebEx, and in the event there are more than two attendees there will need to be a dedicated training space with an overhead projector connected to the WebEx connected computer, with adequate seating in the room.
- Attendees will need to have a computer to work from and credentials with which to access both the network and the Foglight console
- There must be an available environment to create dummy hosts for labs and testing.
Upon Completion of this training each student should be able fully utilize the following:
- Data Model
- Modules
- Introduction to Views, Icons, Functions, … (In depth look through labs)
- Row Oriented Table
- Charts
- Spinner
- Pulse Gauge
- Miscellaneous Containers
- Queries
- Parameters
- Root
- Top N
- Sorting
- Conditions
- Contexts
- Flow
- Update
- Next Page
- Popup
- Previous
- Choose Value
This class, including hands-on activities, is a 2-day class (6 hours per day) and is offered as a private, instructor lead class taught via a virtual classroom (up to 5 students)
This course is intended to provide students with a thorough understanding of the scripting and querying capabilities within Foglight. Students will learn to take advantage of the Foglight Service APIs and the built-in Groovy engine to use Foglight to its full potential.
Students learn through hands-on activities and guided walk-through(s). Use-case scenarios and best practices are used to reinforce learning throughout the course.
Administrators from programming backgrounds that are keen to extend and customize Foglight.
- A firm grasp of programming concepts such as data types, loops, scope, methods and functions.
- An understanding of regular expressions would also be beneficial but not essential.
- Students completing this course will receive information required to:
- Understand the Foglight Models
- Write Scoping queries to be used in rules and derived metrics
- Understand Groovy syntax
- Write Complex Topology Queries
- Write Advanced Foglight Scripts using Groovy
- Understand and use the Foglight Service API’s
Lesson 1: Introduction to Groovy Part I
- Assignment, types and the def keyword
- Methods
- Foglight Script Editor
- Assertions
Lesson 2: Introduction to Groovy Part II
- Scope
- If Statements
- Groovy Collections
- Iteration
- Handling Exceptions
Lesson 3: Object-Oriented Programming and Groovy
- Introduction
- Concepts
- OOP Principles in Foglight
- Classes & Objects in Foglight
Lesson 4: More Groovy
- Regular Expressions
- Closures
- Collection Framework Methods
Lesson 5: Foglight Models
- Data Browser
- Schema Browser
- Script Editor
- The scope keyword
Lesson 6: Query Syntax
- Query Syntax
- Query Operators
- Query Examples
Lesson 7: Scoping Queries
- Building a Scoping Query
- Scoping Query Examples
- Scoping Query Usage
Lesson 8: Topology Queries
- Topology Query Syntax
- Topology Query Examples
Lesson 9: Metric Queries
- Where Are They Used?
- Metric Query Syntax
- Metric Query Examples
Lesson 10: Foglight Service Layer APIs
- Listing the APIs
- Using the APIs
- Frequently Used APIs
Lesson 11: The fglcmd and More Examples
- Introducing Fglcmd
- Exporting Data
- Use Cases
The work it takes to keep IT Infrastructure working well is becoming increasingly dependent on multiple components functioning interdependently. That takes time, that often doesn't leave a lot of room for sitting through a class session. Knowledge transfer can be the right solution to help accomplish your goals while continuing to work and learn simultaneously.
Foglight comes with a plethora of out of the box tools and unmatched capacity for customization which can reduce MTTR (Mean Time To Repair), but you have to know how to use the tools to achieve that and getting there can require some outside help.
That’s where we come in! LightSpeed PM is staffed by top notch consultants who have been working with Foglight for an average of 12 years or more deploying products around the world for every size of organization. Our clients have shared their pain with us, and here are just some of the comments I’ve heard:
“I’ve got two jobs and two bosses! I don’t’ have time to sit down and try to figure this out on my own!”
“I’m a DBA, not a monitor expert. How can I know what to look for at the application or storage level? My boss bought this product and had it installed but didn’t have budget for training,”
“I’m new here, the guy before me quit and didn’t leave any instructions. I’ve never even heard of Foglight, and now they want me to manage monitoring for more than two thousand computers. I don’t know where to start!”
Maybe one of these sounds like you, or maybe you’ve been using the tools for years and want to know how to take it to the next level. Our “teach to fish” approach at providing Knowledge Transfer sessions on any product in the Foglight group of tools you have purchased can help you in so many ways. Here are just a few:
- Health Check, updates, or upgrades
- Best Practices for standard maintenance
- Exception guidance and practical hands on experience on product use
- Customization and optimization
- Rules, alerts, and thresholds
- Dashboards and reporting
All work is done inside of your own environment and not some lab. That’s right! You get to learn on your own environment with the safety of expert advice and you don’t have to lose your work when the session ends!
Contact us for competitive pricing, and let us help you make Performance Monitoring a satisfying and rewarding experience.