We offer something that other Managed Services Providers cannot… both the experience of working around the world delivering Foglight to Customers everywhere, and a set of automated solutions through our custom products to enhance the experience.

As the slide above shows, you can either run everything in your environment and grant us access, or have us deploy everything remotely, or something in-between and still you remain hands free in addition to the Remote Administration services incorporated into the plan, but we’ll install our highly sought-after Custom cartridges to better manage and maintain your environment.
Pricing depends entirely upon the options chosen and always includes access to the top resource with knowledge and experience that is not matched elsewhere. We can even fashion and agreement that allows you to slowly start with everything installed in your space but managed by our team until you can put the right people in seats in your organization and have them fully trained for excellence.
Contact us to talk about the right solution for you!
Contact us to talk about the right solution for you!