User Enablement

Foglight User Enablement

Foglight comes with a plethora of out of the box tools and unmatched capacity for customization which can reduce MTTR (Mean Time To Repair), but you have to know how to use the tools to achieve that and getting there can require some outside help.

That’s where we come in!  LightSpeed PM is staffed by top notch consultants who have been working with Foglight for an average of 15 years or more deploying products around the world for every size of organization.

Our clients have shared their pain with us, and here are just some of the comments I’ve heard:

  • “I’ve got two jobs and two bosses! I don’t’ have time to sit down and try to figure this out on my own!”
  • “I’m a DBA, not a monitor expert. How can I know what to look for at the application or storage level?”
  • “My boss bought this product and had it installed but didn’t have budget for training,”
  • “I’m new here, the guy before me quit and didn’t leave any instructions. I’ve never even heard of Foglight, and now they want me to manage monitoring for more than two thousand computers. I don’t know where to start!”

Maybe one of these sounds like you, or maybe you have been using the tools for years and want to know how to take it to the next level. Our “teach to fish” approach at providing Knowledge Transfer sessions on any product in the Foglight group of tools you have purchased can help you in so many ways. Here are just a few:

  • Health Check, updates, or upgrades
  • Best Practices for standard maintenance
  • Exception guidance and practical hands on experience on product use
  • Customization and optimization
  • Rules, alerts, and thresholds
  • Dashboards and reporting

All work is done inside of your own environment and not some lab. That’s right! You get to learn on your own environment with the safety of expert advice and you don’t have to lose your work when the session ends!

Contact us for competitive pricing and let us help you make Performance Monitoring a satisfying and rewarding experience.